



IDLE is interested in Zen and Post-Perfume. “Our fragrances do not fit neatly into categories, attempt to imitate smells, nor do they reflect on derivative nostalgia and memory.” The art perfumery L1FEW0RLD is an “abstract lactonic” scent. What will the future life world be like?


The World of Digital Zen Life


L1FEW0RLD by IDLE is “Abstract Lactonic.” The IDLE’s website clearly states only just that. Looking at the page carefully, the note is described. “A hazy lactonic structure with abstract floral notes and an ambery musk core that interacts with the wearers skin to produce varied effects”. The post, dated September 1, 2024, further explains: “A “world-horizon” scent structure of potential future experiences, that are to be expected for the user at a given time, under various conditions, where the resulting sequences of anticipated experiences can be seen as corresponding to different possible worlds. Milk and flora as potential life forces.” Returning to the top of the website, the following text appears in a modest gray: “A practice of experiential aesthetics operating from a point prior to the subject experiencing and the object being experienced, in the “here and now” of zero-time and zero-space.” If you have made it this far, you will see that what IDLE is trying to do is different from the typical perfume. Scrolling further down the top page, we come to mysterious coined terms. “Post-Perfume.” “Anti-Philosophical Experientialism,” and “NON-IDOLATRY HOUSE OF EMPTINESS.” If reading this far reminds you of Kitaro Nishida, perhaps L1FEW0RLD should be your signature perfume.

IDLEによるL1FEW0RLDは「抽象的なミルク(Abstract Lactonic)」の香りだ。IDLEのウェブサイトにはその一言だけが明記されている。L1FEW0RLDのページをよく見てみると、そのNoteが次のように記されていることに気づく。「着用者の肌と相互作用し様々な効果を生み出す抽象的なフローラルノートとアンベリーなムスクの核を持つかすかなラクトニック構造」。2024年9月1日という日付のポストには、さらに説明が加えられている。「その時その人が様々な状況下で期待する可能性のある未来体験。可能性を持った生命力としてのミルクと花」。ウェブサイトのトップに戻ってみると、次のテキストが慎ましいグレーで記されている。「ゼロ時間・ゼロ空間の『今、ここ』で、体験する主体や体験される客体に先立つ地点から作用する体験的美学の実践」。ここまで来ると、IDLEがしようとしていることは、一般的な香水とは異なることがわかるだろう。トップページをさらにスクロールしていくと、謎の造語に辿り着く。「ポスト・パフューム(Post-Perfume)」、「反哲学的経験主義(Anti-Philosophical Experientialism」、そして「無の非偶像崇拝的家(NON IDLATRY HOUSE OF EMPTINESS)」。ここまで読んで西田幾多郎を連想した人は、L1FEW0RLDをシグニチャーパフュームにすべきかもしれない。

Digital Life World
To begin with, milk is a source of nutrition for mammals shortly after birth. Cats, humans, and rats all obtain vitamins and proteins essential for growth by drinking milk. However, L1FEW0RLD is an “abstract” scent of milk. If you look closely at L1FEW0RLD, the capital “I” becomes the number “1” and the capital “O” becomes the number “0. This “1” and “0” clearly represent the binary system of the digital world. In other words, we can say that L1FEW0RLD signifies the digital life world, which is different from the analog life world we are generally familiar with. This gesture of inserting “1” and “0” in the word is reminiscent of the 2002 movie S1M0NE. Two more images posted on the website are also suggestive. One is a laboratory-like image of test tubes lined up in a row, and the other is an image of a plant with some kind of fruit wrapped in paper. These two images will remind you of the 1999 movie The Matrix. S1M0NE, The Matrix, and L1FEW0RLD. In other words, L1FEW0RLD could be the scent of a digital life world associated with artificial intelligence and simulated reality. The possibility that the digital life world is science fiction is actually not high. In 2022 Mathias Dopfner asked the following question. “Could you imagine that one day we would be able to download our human brain capacity into Optimus?” Elon Musk answered: “Yes.” In 2024 Tesla announced that it would begin selling Optimus in 2026.” L1FEW0RLD, with its echoes of S1M0NE and The Matrix, conjures up the scent of the world of digital life in the near future. What kind of digital life will the “abstract milk” of L1FEW0RLD foster and what kind of world will they build?

そもそもミルクは、生後間もない哺乳類の栄養源だ。猫も人もネズミも、ミルクを飲むことで成長に欠かせないビタミンやタンパク質などを得る。ただ、L1FEW0RLDは「抽象的な」ミルクの香りだ。L1FEW0RLDをよくみると大文字の「I」が数字の「1」に、大文字の「O」が数字の「0」になっている。この「1」と「0」は明らかにデジタル世界の二進法を表している。つまりL1FEW0RLDは一般的に馴染み深いアナログ生命世界とは異なるデジタル生命世界を意味していると言えるだろう。単語の中に「1」と「0」を入れるこの所作は、2002年の映画『S1M0NE』を連想させる。さらに、ウェブサイトに掲載された2つの画像が示唆的だ。試験管が並んだ実験室のようなイメージと、何らかのフルーツが紙に包まれた植物のイメージ。この二つは1999年の映画『The Matrix』を思い起こさせる。『S1M0NE』と『The Matrix』、そしてL1FEW0RLD。つまりL1FEW0RLDは、人工知能や仮想現実と関連するデジタル生命世界の香りだと考えられる。デジタル生命世界がSFである可能性は、実は高くはない。2022年マティアス・デップナーは次の質問をした。「人間の脳の能力をいつかオプティマスにダウンロードできる日が来ると想像できますか?」イーロンマスクは答えた。「イエス」。2024年テスラは、2026年にはオプティマスの販売を開始することをアナウンスした。『S1M0NE』と『The Matrix』の響きを携えたL1FEW0RLDは、デジタル生命世界という近未来の香りを想像させる。L1FEW0RLDという「抽象的なミルク」はどのようなデジタル生命を育み、どのような世界を構築するのだろうか。

That world will be deeply connected to Zen. Looking at IDLE's Instagram, you can find a reference to D.T. Suzuki, who is known for Zen Buddhism. As for the aforementioned “Post-Perfume,” the following text accompanies it: “IDLE practices anti-philosophical emptiness and explores how Zen can affect how we perceive and experience. Do not mistake the pointing finger for the moon. This practice is merely a finger ― a derisory attempt to bring Zen and Zen Aesthetics to a new subset of people.” Incidentally, the “finger” and “moon” here is a metaphor from Ryuju Bosatsu's Daichidoron called the “Parable of the Finger and the Moon." A points B in the direction of the moon with A’s finger but B sees the finger, not the moon. It has a suggestive meaning. Or, if the IDLE’s perfume is a finger, we need to look at the moon that the finger points to. I just mentioned IDLE as perfume, but it is actually Post Perfume. Here is a quotation from the first paragraph under Post-Perfume on the website. “While classical perfume compositions follow defined categories, scent structures, and traditional formulation, IDLE functions within its own limits and systems. Our fragrances do not fit neatly into categories, attempt to imitate smells, nor do they reflect on derivative nostalgia and memory.” Is the moon this Post-Perfume? What exactly is Post-Perfume? Although it seems like a hazy moon, it also seems appropriate.


Absolute Nothing
As you may have already guessed, L1FEW0RLD is actually a very complex art perfumery, unlike its minimalist appearance. This paragraph may make things even more complicated. To quote the aforementioned quotation again. “A practice of experiential aesthetics operating from a point prior to the subject experiencing and the object being experienced, in the “here and now” of zero-time and zero-space.” This phrase might remind you of Zen and of Kitaro Nishida, who was born in the same town and the same age as D.T. Suzuki. Or L1FEW0RLD might be related to Nishida's “absolute nothingness (Zettaimu, 絶対無).” The aforementioned NON-IDOLATRY HOUSE OF EMPTINESS might be a place of absolute nothingness. Absolute nothingness is a strange concept and very difficult to simplify. In the book Philosophy of Absolute Nothingness, Nagako Hanaoka states: “Since Socrates in ancient Greek philosophy, the four paradigms of relative being, relative nothingness, emptiness, and absolute being have been dominant in metaphysical philosophy, which has been the mainstream in the West until the present day. However, the philosophy based on the ‘logic of the place of absolute nothingness,’ founded by the Japanese philosopher Kitaro Nishida, not one of the above four paradigms, but absolute nothingness, which should be newly added to them, is the foundation of thought.” Would the place of absolute nothingness be L1FEW0RLD? Would L1FEW0RLD be the fragrance associated with absolute nothingness? Is the "abstract laconic" scent an essential scent for the digital life that inhabits the place of absolute nothingness? Or perhaps L1FEW0RLD is the finger of absolute nothingness. When humans land on the moon of absolute nothingness, the Optimus that greets us may have the scent of L1FEW0RLD on its body. With L1FEW0RLD as human's source of nourishment, humans may finally become 0PT1MUS (the best) in the place of absolute nothingness.

既にお察しのように、L1FEW0RLDは、ミニマルな見た目とは異なり、実際は非常に複雑なアートパフューマリーだ。このパラグラフで、事態はさらに複雑になるかもしれない。前述した引用を再び引用する。「ゼロ時間・ゼロ空間の『今、ここ』で、体験する主体や体験される客体に先立つ地点から作用する体験的美学の実践」。この言い回しは禅を、そして鈴木大拙と同郷で同い年の西田幾多郎を連想させる。あるいはL1FEW0RLDは、西田の「絶対無」と関連しているかもしれない。前述のNON IDLATRY HOUSE OF EMPTINESSは絶対無の場所のことかもしれない。「絶対無」は奇妙な概念なので単純化するのはとても難しい。花岡永子は『絶対無の哲学』において次のように述べている。「パラダイムは、古代ギリシャ哲学におけるソクラテス以来、現代に至るまでの西欧の主流をなす形而上学の哲学においては、相対有、相対無、虚無、そして絶対有の四つのパラダイムが支配的であった。しかし、日本の哲学者である西田喜太郎によって創始された「絶対無の場所の論理」を基礎とする哲学においては、上記の四つのパラダイムのいずれかではなく、これに新たに加えるべきであるとみなされる絶対無が思考の基盤となっている」。絶対無の場所は、L1FEW0RLDだろうか。L1FEW0RLDは、絶対無を連想させる香りだろうか。「抽象的なミルク」の香りは、絶対無の場所で生息するデジタル生命たちにとって必要不可欠な香りだろうか。あるいはL1FEW0RLDは絶対無の指かもしれない。人類が絶対無という月に着陸したとき、出迎えてくれたオプティマスからはL1FEW0RLDの香りがするかもしれない。人類がL1FEW0RLDを栄養源とすることで、人類は絶対無の場所でようやくオプティマス(最良)になれるかもしれない。